Dedicated Server in Netherlands

12 Ways to Use Your Dedicated Server

You can use the dedicated server to build your business. In case you have the dedicated server that you are not using or you want to do more with it, there are some things you can do with it. You can make sure that your dedicated server is used to its full potential. There are many things you can do with your dedicated server in Netherlands. Here are just some of the ways that you can put it to use.

Virtual private network

The virtual private network is important in keeping your information secure. Your information is only available to those with specific devices. There are some computers that can connect to the server. It will not be possible for the data to be accessed when they do not pass through the specified computers. As such, it becomes possible to prevent hacking.

Data syncing

Your dedicated server allows  you to do data syncing. You can upload files on your dedicated server and the connected  devices can access them. The files will be more secure since it is only accessed to specific devices on the server. Also, if anyone works on a file, the changes are synchronized. It means that everyone gets access to files that are up to date.

Video and photo storage

When you buy a dedicated server Netherlands, it comes with unlimited bandwidth storage and plenty of storage space. You can use the extra space to store your media files. You can also stream live videos. You can store footage from a live security camera on your dedicated server. Dedicated servers can handle heavy files as well as large traffic. Thus, it is ideal for video streaming.

Game server hosting

Dedicated server can be used by gaming companies for hosting their services. You can host online games that people can buy to play at home with friends. It is used in hosting games that are open to the internet. Players may be required to pay monthly fees. If you are looking for a way to play with your friends, a dedicated server can be of great help. You can use it to host a multiplayer game. You get 24/7 uptime and you can play even with international friends.

Nagios server

The Nagios server is important in monitoring in case anything goes wrong on your host server. You will know the time needed to fix it. Nagios server monitors network probes, network issues and host resources.

Data Syncing

Your dedicated server allows you to do data syncing. You can upload files on your dedicated server and the connected devices can access them. The files will be more secure since it is only accessed to specific devices on the server. Also, if anyone works on a file, the changes are synchronized. It means that everyone gets access to files that are up to date.

Manage Smart Devices

There are many businesses that use embedded sensors together with the smart devices. You can use your dedicated server to manage the smart devices in one place. The data that has been collected are stored in smart devices and sensors. It will be easier to analyze the data anytime.

Website hosting is at the top of the list when it comes to using your dedicated server. Through the dedicated server, it will be a lot easier for your audience to reach your site quickly. A dedicated server has a high performance speed that all visitors need when going to a site. Thus, it is beneficial when you have millions of website visitors. 

If you are a business person, you can decide to sell the web hosting services. Just make sure that your dedicated server ha CPanel. The control panel is easier to manage. Thus, your clients can also create their web pages that you are hosting on the dedicated server. Dedicated server means that you have all the bandwidth to yourself. You will not even share the disk space so it makes web hosting a breeze. 

You can take advantage of the dedicated firewall. Firewalls are important but the hardware and software can be very expensive. Firewall filters the information coming to your private network or computer. Firewall includes filters that help stop some information to get through the server. The firewall offers additional protection for your computer system. It is a primary defences when it comes to protecting your computer against viruses. In case there is no firewall, the computers that are linked to the same network can be accessed by outsiders. Thus, hackers can get access to your company computers.  

When you send emails across the internet through computers, it can be intercepted. A dedicated server helps you to send IRC messages or chat messages to devices connected to a network. Given that messages are sent through a dedicated server, it becomes a lot easier to encrypt them. 

When you have a dedicated server, you are able to control the networked devices. You can have your email servers to help manage emails and be in control of the reception and delivery of messages. You can also manage your upload limit and storage. Having your own server allows you to send large files without having a size cap. You can also create chat room servers. The chat room server allows for encryption, file transfers and chat bots. 

The cloud is becoming way for people to access data. The cloud can be used in storing anything which includes photographs, Documents, videos, spreadsheets, emails, calendars and presentations. Any business can enjoy the benefits of having a private cloud space for their employees. You can use the dedicated server to manage your staff. The employees can access their personal cloud space through tablets, smartphones and computers even when not in the office. 


When you encounter natural disasters, human errors of technical failure, it can threaten your data security. You can avoid all these risk by having a back up for all your data. A dedicated server makes it easy to back up your site. There is no doubt that you need a lot of money to set up your website. It will be bad enough for the website to be down just when you have started receiving thousands of visitors. At times, your site may be hacked and getting it up and running can be a challenge. When such a thing happens, you can lose your customers and our site. You can avoid that form happening by having backup. A dedicated server makes back up to your website a lot easier.

Set VOIP (Voice over internet protocol)

The other way you can use your dedicated server is for setting up voice over internet protocol. The voice over internet protocol allows you to send voice over internet. Skype is the most common used service. However, people with a dedicated server opt for installing the VoIP service. The VoIP gives you better quality conversations. 

As you can see, there are many ways you can use your dedicated server. If you have not been using your dedicated server to its full potential, you can now make good use of it. There are still other ways that you can use the cheap dedicated server Netherlands. However, you can get started by using for the above ways. What you can do with your dedicated server depends on the server specification. When choosing what to do with your server, make sure you factor in the costs of the server. The dedicated server needs to pay for itself by adding value to the company or in monetary terms. You should not hesitate to put your dedicated server to its full use.